Thứ Hai, 12 tháng 5, 2014

River Vision: Money meandering down the drain

Excerpt from article screen-capped on the left---

Dutch legend has it that there was once a small boy who upon  passing a dike on his way to school noticed a slight leak as the sea trickled through a small hole. Knowing that he would be in trouble if he were late for school, the boy poked his finger into the hole and so stemmed the flow of water. Some time later a passerby saw him and went to get help.This came in the form of other men who were able to effect  repairs on the dike and seal up the leak.

Trinity Uptown boondoggle disaster! Little Mary Kelleher, poke your Profiles of Courage finger into the hole in the dam! Who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this!

Click the image above to enlarge to 
read the entire article by Don Woodard.

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